ASEC News & Reflections
ASEC is serving Catholic Sisters in 10 sub-Saharan African countries, providing access to educational opportunities. There is much to celebrate regarding the work of ASEC and the impact of Sisters who are benefiting from our programs.
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Little Girl, I Say to You, Rise Up; Igniting Hope for Human Trafficking Survivors
2 months ago: [Kenya, Uganda, USA] Sr. Jackline Mwikali Mwongela, an alum of ASEC’s HESA program and Project Manager at Religious Against Human Trafficking (RAHT) in Kenya, has been empowering women and children to rise above human trafficking through prevention, protection, and partnerships, while offering hope to survivors through education and holistic support.
Breast Cancer Awareness: Empowering Change Through Sr. Grace’s Mission
3 months ago: [Nigeria] Sr. Grace Akunna John-Emezi, HHCJ is transforming health awareness in African communities through her dedicated advocacy for breast cancer education.
Technical & Vocational Training in Cameroon
5 months ago: [Cameroon] Sr. Vera Bi Kiekiseeh Otia, HHCJ, principal of SPICOTEC in Cameroon, leverages her ASEC education to expand access to technical and vocational training, empowering youth to become entrepreneurs and job creators.
Excellent Education: Celebrating HESA Graduation Ceremonies in 2023
7 months ago: [Malawi, Tanzania] The Higher Education for Sisters in Africa (HESA) program has helped education for women religious in Africa make strides, despite education for women in Africa facing significant barriers. In 2023, over 200 sisters graduated from HESA programs, overcoming challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic and contributing to their communities’ development and gender equality.
Serving Across Contexts - Tanzania to the United States
8 months ago: [Tanzania] At the St. Joseph’s Center, Sr. Magreth currently serves as a Direct Support Professional, assisting in caring for adults and children with disabilities. She continues to utilize the knowledge and skills she gained from the ASEC Scholarship program and HESA on a daily basis. She feels grateful for the opportunity to serve across the globe and remains connected to the ASEC alumnae network, attending virtual ASEC Alumnae Workshops annually despite her placement in the United States.
Partnerships Rooted in Collaboration
more than a year ago.: [Kenya, USA] Collaboration is central to ASEC's mission, exemplified by partnerships with educational institutions and national conferences of religious across ten African countries, all aimed at empowering Catholic sisters through education, as highlighted in the 2023 HESA Partners Conference.
Higher Education for Sisters in Africa 2023 Year in Review
more than a year ago.: [Ghana, Kenya, SouthSudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, USA] The Higher Education for Sisters in Africa (HESA) program empowers Catholic sisters in Africa by providing access to post-secondary education, resulting in over 1,144 graduates across 24 partner institutions in 10 African countries and the U.S.
Sr. Josephine Kwenga wins People's Choice Award for Project on Sustainable Human Development
more than a year ago.: [Kenya] On September 27, 2023 ASEC participant Sr. Josephine Muthoni Kwenga, SJT won a People's Choice Award for her Sustainable Agriculture Project in Kenya.
HESA Partners Conference takes place in Nairobi
more than a year ago.: [Kenya] The 2023 HESA Partners Conference took place in Nairobi, Kenya from June 13-17th.
How can we measure the impact of education?
more than a year ago.: [Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, SouthSudan] We measure the impact of education through qualitative data by interviewing ASEC sisters, both those current students and alumnae. Through learning their stories, we can connect the dots between education and transformation, both within the sisters and their communities.
ASEC signs new partnership with DMI-St. Eugene in Zambia
more than a year ago.: [Zambia, USA] DMI-St. Eugene University in Zambia is the first partner university in Africa to have been founded by religious women.
Sisters gather for alumnae workshop, use agriculture to feed communities in Tanzania
more than a year ago.: [Tanzania] Women religious go where the need is greatest and do everything they can to fulfill it, including increasing the availability of opportunities for agricultural growth in Tanzania.
Dance in African Christianity and Culture as Explained by an ASEC Sister
more than a year ago.: [Kenya, Zambia, USA] After being with ASEC for a year, I’ve had the opportunity to learn so much about Catholic sisters, African culture, and some of the unique and beautiful traditions of Catholicism in Africa. One thing that I’ve noticed is the power of incorporating dance into graduations, mass and religious celebrations in Africa. I wanted to know more.
In Her Words: Proud to be a Fruit of Higher Education for Sisters in Africa (HESA)
more than a year ago.: [Kenya] Sr. Maria N. Isaya, a religious woman of the Institute of the Little Sisters of St. Francis in Tanzania, started her journey with ASEC in 2016 through the Higher Education for Sisters in Africa (HESA). Since then she has brought transformation to her community by using her skills to provide education to those in poverty, improving their overall quality of life.
Senior Program Manager is awarded Ed.D., doctoral award
more than a year ago.: [USA] HESA and Scholarship Senior Program Manager Rosemary Shaver, Ed.D. received her Doctorate in Education from Wilkes University after successful defense of her research on the perceived impact of service learning programs on higher education learners. Through her research she was able to find that it is a transformative experience that promotes self-examination, dialogue, and skill development among participants.
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