ASEC alumnae in Zambia showed much interest in this year’s alumnae training workshop despite having undertaken various courses in project management, administration and finance. A total of eighteen (18) alumnae from different congregations and institutions attended the workshop which took place from 3rd to 5th January 2018 at Kalundu Study Centre in Lusaka. Participants decided on a fitting theme for the workshop: Human Resource Management and Labor Laws. ASEC alumnae wanted to gain knowledge and understand the links, connections, principles and practical examples of labor cases. A big thanks to ASEC and sponsors for their resources and generosity, ensuring that the alumnae are not left out.
Just What We Needed
Sisters in Zambia still lack some human resource theory and practical aspects to enable them to implement human resource duties for the benefit of both employees and employers in the institutions and congregations where they serve. In three days, sisters were able to learn the importance of the employment act, job descriptions, staff performance appraisals, and when and how to use the dispensary code of conduct. They also learned how to create an enabling work environment in congregations and institutions where they offer their quality skills and services.
Workshop participant Sr. Matilda Banda says,
“Each workshop is an eye opener, especially the one which just ended. The human resource part of it is very vital in an organization where we use a systematic and strategic approach to acquisition, development, motivation and retention of human resources. There have been many changes concerning the labor laws in our society today. It is important to treat the employees with dignity and then they too, in turn, will do likewise.”
Labor Law Amendment Discussion
The alumnae workshop facilitator discussed in detail the amendment to section #36 of the laws of Zambia ACT CAP 268. This amendment states that it is illegal for any employer to engage an employee on a casual basis for any job that is of a permanent nature. It was a challenging topic to grasp but she was well versed in this subject matter.
Employee Promotions
Another topic was the confidential appraisal form for promotion. She highlighted not just to promote employees based on friendship, but to identify the strengths and the weaknesses of employees, and place them in the right jobs. She also helped sisters to draft contracts for their staff which was a practical part of the workshop. At the end, Sr. Matilda emphasized as follows,
“This really helped me as I needed to be equipped with the information as most of the sisters have employees on contracts. But due to lack of knowledge and skills, they have been taken to the labor office for the explanation of issues which could have been resolved and prevented. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the knowledge that I gained and I will gladly share it with my sisters. I thank ASEC partners and sponsors for the great work and sacrifices to empower us with education.”

Read Rays of Hope
Learn more about Catholic Sisters transforming poor, rural communities across Africa in our FREE Rays of Hope ebook.
Read It Now »ASEC program graduates gather together after the alumnae workshop. The workshop was held in Lusaka, Zambia at Kalundu Study Centre from January 3-5, 2018.
About ASEC's Alumnae Workshops
ASEC Alumnae and their mentees engage in continuing education and networking through SLDI/HESA annual alumnae workshops. In these three-day workshops, sisters can:
- learn more about a specific topic or skill area
- share successes and challenges they experience in their work
- discuss emerging issues
- broaden their skills
- network with other alumnae and their mentees.