Providing a holistic approach to children under 5 years
My name is Sr. Astridah Banda (OP) and I am a SCORE ECD Project Coordinator looking after children under 5 years of age. Strengthening Capacity of Women Religious in Early Childhood Development, or SCORE ECD, is a project funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. The project aims to strengthen the capacity of Catholic Sisters to:
- improve ECD technical capacity
- increase organizational sustainability
- enhance Sisters’ networking and learning on early childhood development
The ECD program takes a holistic approach looking at the needs of children`s education, nutrition, health and spiritual development. In 2016 alone, the program reached about 12,000 children. We have managed to train sisters whom we call “master trainers” using a curriculum tailored to sisters. These sisters have been able to mentor other caregivers. In total, sisters have mentored about 6,000 caregivers who provide quality care to the children below the age of 5.
I am very excited having completed a course in finance at Kalundu Study Centre. This course will help me to be more knowledgeable and confident in monitoring the sisters who are managing their congregation’s finances for the Score ECD program.

Read Rays of Hope
Learn more about Catholic Sisters transforming poor, rural communities across Africa in our FREE Rays of Hope ebook.
Read It Now »Sr. Astridah manages the Dominican Sisters of the Sacred Heart, Zambia congregation website and Facebook page. Visit the website at
Managing my Congregation's website & Facebook account
Last year, I participated in the SLDI Web Design course organized by ASEC. After finishing, I was able to create my own social media accounts. When I went back to my congregation, they asked me to start managing their Facebook page and website.
I am so happy to tell you that to this date I have about 1,800 followers on the congregation Facebook page and it is doing very well! I update our Facebook and website all the time, as we were taught to do in the workshop.
Through social media we have attracted a lot of people to follow Jesus Christ. We are able to preach and promote vocations to join our congregation. We have a lot of girls asking us questions about joining our congregation. Others are looking for employment. There is a lot of communication going on in this social community I have created.
A big thank you to ASEC for supporting us sisters. It is difficult to teach elders but we appreciate you giving us skilled lecturers who understand our needs and work with us on practical skills.
Be blessed always.