ASEC Director Sr. Rose Jane Adiero laid to rest in Juba, South Sudan

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

Sr. Rose was laid to rest in Juba, South Sudan, on March 30, 2017. Sr. Lina Wanjiku, ASEC East African Director and Sr. Mary Germina Keneema, ASEC Uganda Director, attended on ASEC's behalf.

ASEC staff attended the mass and burial of our friend and colleague Sr. Rose Jane Adiero, ASEC's Director in South Sudan. Sr. Rose devoted much of her life to teaching and ministering children.

Thousands of mourners attended the requiem Mass for Sr. Rose Jane Adiero of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart (SHS) at St. Theresa Cathedral Parish Kator in Juba on 30th March 2017 after which she was laid to rest at Rajaf cemetery. Sr. Rose has been the African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC) Director for South Sudan since March 2016. She died on 25th March 2017 at Nsambya Hospital in Kampala, Uganda where she had been hospitalized since an accident in January 2017.

Presiding over the requiem Mass, Rt. Rev. Santo LokuPio, Auxiliary Bishop of Juba commended the work done by Sr. Adiero who devoted her life to promoting the education of the girl child. He called upon the mourners to take their vocation seriously, saying that each one of us is a missionary and we are supposed to do the will of God. He called upon the people to pray for the missionaries working in South Sudan.

Mother Mary Daniel Abut, the Superior General of the Sacred Heart Sisters, expressed gratitude to God who had given Sr. Rose to the Congregation as a gift and worked through her to touch many people’s lives. She thanked the administration of the Archdiocese of Juba and all those who helped them to facilitate the transportation of the body of the Late Sr. Rose from Kampala to Juba and the funeral arrangements.

ASEC was represented at the funeral by Sr. Lina Wanjiku, ASEC East African Director and Sr. Mary Germina Keneema the ASEC Uganda Director. They, on behalf of ASEC, conveyed Condolences to the Members of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart Sisters and other mourners. In a speech composed and written by Sr. Lina and Sr. Keneema, Sr. Rose was described as a hardworking and very diligent Sister.

“Every day she worked as it was her last day. The growing ASEC Programs in South Sudan really needed somebody creative and selfless, like Sr. Rose,  so as ASEC Family, we are  very sad because we have lost an implementer and visionary Leader.  Sr. Rose was very instrumental in rolling out ASEC new programs in South Sudan,”  they said.

They added that “Sr. Rose had ASEC at heart and passionately served the sisters in South Sudan. She always had solutions to various issues and she could wrestle with challenges until they were solved. She had such an unbeatable willpower that even in her bed of pain it was clearly noticed. She never gave up. She was a source of hope and blessing to many, in the same way, May the Lord bless her with eternal rest! Amen “

Sr. Rose was born on 17th January 1960 in Kampala Uganda. In 1972, Sr. Rose and her parents returned to Palotaka in Sudan where she continued her education. She joined the Sacred Heart sisters in 1978, had her formation and made her first profession on 1st January 1986 in Moyo in Uganda. She made her perpetual profession on 1 January 1992 in the Archdiocese of Khartoum in Sudan.

Sr. Rose had a BA and MA in Education from Catholic University of Eastern Africa. She spent most of her years teaching and ministering the youth. From 2013-2016 she was Provincial Superior of the Sacred Heart Sisters in both South Sudan and Sudan. On 3rd Jan 2017, while traveling by motorcycle from Palotaka to arrange for a new academic year, Sr. Jane got into an accident and sustained fractures. She was rushed to Gulu Independent Hospital and then transferred St. Francis Hospital Nsambya in Uganda where she was hospitalized until her death.

Please join us in prayer for the friends and family of Sr. Rose. May she rest in eternal peace.

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Sr. Mary Germina Keneema, MSMMC

Sr. Mary Germina Keneema, MSMMC
Director – Uganda  

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